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Would you like to help our younger skaters learn how to skate? Become a Program Assistant (P.A.) and help our professional coaches teach younger skaters in the Parent/Tot and Preschool CanSkate programs. P.A.’s are older, accomplished skaters at the club who volunteer their time to assist the younger skaters. Each P.A. will receive a P.A. jacket to identify them on our recreational skating sessions. P.A.’s receive annual and ongoing training and are given the opportunity to develop important leadership skills. Our P.A.’s are valuable members of our coaching staff. They make PreCanSkate and CanSkate sessions safer and more enjoyable for coaches and skaters alike. Many of our P.A.’s go on to train and become professional coaches themselves. |
Program Assistant Overview
Who qualifies?
As part of our Program Assistant Subsidy Policy we request that each STARSkater age 12 (by December 31st of the current year), and older, donate a minimum of one hour per week (total 20 hours per year) to the CanSkate program as a P.A.
What do Program Assistants do?
Program Assistants share their love and knowledge of skating with younger skaters while performing various duties such as the ones listed below:
- Assisting the SKATE CANADA Coach to deliver the program on and off ice
- Demonstrating skills and teaching progressions
- Supervising practice time
- Assisting with warm ups and cool downs under the direction of the Coach
- Reinforcing learned skills
- Assisting with on ice circuits
- Providing individual and group assistance
- Acting as a role model for young skaters
What days and times can I volunteer?
- Monday 6:00pm – 7:00pm
- Wednesday 6:00pm – 7:00pm
- Saturday 9:00am – 10:30am
Special Notices
Highschool Students Looking to Earn Volunteer Hours
STARSkate skaters have the opportunity to complete their community service hours for their high school curriculum as Program Assistants (P.A’S) in our Learn to Skate Program.
If you choose to use your hours to complete the required “High School Volunteer Hours” the club will give you a letter at the end of the year indicating the number of hours that you have volunteered for the Georgetown Skating Club as a program assistant.
Please note that your P.A. jacket must be returned at the end of the season to receive your volunteer hours.
Program Assistant Buy-out
In support of our Program Assistant policy, a refundable $100 StarSkate Program Assistant buyout will be charged at the beginning of each season as part of your registration fee (ages 12+). After completing your 20 volunteer hours, this subsidy will be refunded to the skater.
If a skater chooses not to participate as a Program Assistant, then they will be considered to have “bought-out” their subsidization and no refund will be given.
Program Assistant Training Next Scheduled Session – All P.A.’s Must Attend!
Please check our home page under “upcoming events” or check our calendar.